Phone With Headphones

Learn how to Manage your Depression

This clinically proven, 6 session evidence-based course will help you to better manage your Depression.

The sessions focus on key aspects of stress, anxiety, and depression, teaching powerful skills to help you manage stress and boost your wellbeing.

"I was in a very dark place with very deep issues which manifested itself in a condition of chronic stress. Thank you so much for giving me the tools to become the real me. My understanding and knowledge is now priceless in my recovery. I am so looking forward to my future. "

Course Participant , UK

"Dr White has developed the single-most effective tool to identify and manage anxiety and depression I have ever encountered. And there are numerous academic research reports to back up its effectiveness. Stress Control presents searing practicality with comprehensive information in a format that is easily understood. As a professional, I have never participated in a more satisfying piece of work."

Dr Mark Harrold, Senior Clinical Psychologist

"What a wonderful class this has been. I know there are no miracle cures, but I now feel I know what my stress is all about and I know the way forward. For the first time in many years, I see some light at the end of the tunnel. "

Course Participant, Ireland

Ready to start fighting back against your stress?

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How It Works 2

Sign up and begin your membership

Start learning the skills you need to get on top of your stress and boost your wellbeing by becoming your own therapist, from your own home, at your own pace.

Sign up today to get instant access to the course and all the supporting materials. Memberships last for 90 days and all course materials are included in the cost of the package.

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