Stress Control for your workplace

If your organisation is looking to support your colleagues, our programme can offer an evidence-based intervention with clinically proven results, delivered at a fraction of the cost of conventional treatment.
About Us 1

Our Course

Our course comprises 12 session videos presented by Dr Jim White that focus on key aspects of stress and teach powerful skills to help members tackle that stress and boost wellbeing.

Detailed booklets accompany each session along with a wide range of relaxation and mindfulness tracks. Self-assessment questionnaires measure and track depression, anxiety and wellbeing and quizzes are used to recap sessions and test knowledge.

Members will have 12 months access to the course, which can be paused or extended if required.

Dr Jim White

Dr Jim White

Dr Jim White, the creator of Stress Control is a consultant clinical psychologist and an internationally recognised expert in stress management.

Jim is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Fellow of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, the lead CBT organisation in the UK and Ireland and had been appointed a Chartered Scientist.

He has presented at many national and international conferences and events, acted as a National Advisor to the Scottish Government and is involved with the European Union on how to develop mental health services across Europe using interventions, including Stress Control.

"What a wonderful class this has been. I know there are no miracle cures, but I now feel I know what my stress is all about and I know the way forward. For the first time in many years, I see some light at the end of the tunnel. "

Course Participant, Ireland

Why Choose Stress Control?

Stress Control is among the best-evidenced psycho-educational approaches for common mental health problems in the world. 


There have been dozens of independent research papers published in high-quality peer-reviewed journals on the effectiveness of Stress Control. To find out more please see the Stress Control research blogs.

Build Resilience


Knowing you have the knowledge and skills to fight stress by yourself builds resilience- a mental toughness. Stress Control will teach your team how to cope with the hard times, no matter what life throws at them.

Become Your Own Therapist


People often relapse back into stress when they stop seeing their therapist. However with Stress Control results are maintained (and even enhanced). This is because you take the therapist with you- because you become your own therapist.



We understand life can be demanding and the need for flexibility. Stress Control offers 24/7 access for 12 months, allowing users to watch video sessions, complete interactive tasks, and practice skills at times that suit them.

Our Partners

Stress Control is used extensively in the NHS (UK) and HSE (ROI), in third sector organisations and large private companies across the world. 

HSE Logo
NHS Logo
Irish Rail Logo
Continental Logo
Logo Hsc

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