How It Works


Now that you’ve learned a bit about how Stress Control at Home can help you manage stress, take the next step and watch the video on the 'How it Works' page. It provides more details on what you'll learn throughout the 12 sessions and the practical tools you’ll gain to start tackling stress head-on.




Dr Jim White

Dr Jim White

Dr Jim White is a consultant clinical psychologist and an internationally recognised expert in stress management.

He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Fellow of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, the lead CBT organisation in the UK and Ireland and has been appointed a Chartered Scientist.

He has presented at many national and international conferences and events and has acted as a National Advisor to the Scottish Government on mental health. He has been involved with the European Union on how to develop their mental health services using Stress Control. 

How it Works

"Dr White has developed the single-most effective tool to identify and manage anxiety and depression I have ever encountered. And there are numerous academic research reports to back up its effectiveness. Stress Control presents searing practicality with comprehensive information in a format that is easily understood. As a professional, I have never participated in a more satisfying piece of work."

Dr Mark Harrold, Senior Clinical Psychologist

"I was in a very dark place with very deep issues which manifested itself in a condition of chronic stress. Thank you so much for giving me the tools to become the real me. My understanding and knowledge is now priceless in my recovery. I am so looking forward to my future. "

Course Participant , UK

"I just wanted to thank you for the Stress Control course I've been working on and completed today. Everything in it made so much sense. I suffer from anxiety and depression, and I now have a clearer understanding of stress, how it affects me, and the coping mechanisms from the course. I think better knowledge is key to managing mental health issues. I took the time on holidays to complete that week's session and I'm so glad I did. It made me feel good, educated and productive. It really is like a jigsaw puzzle."

Course Participant, Online

Why Choose Stress Control?

Independent research has shown that Stress Control works as well as individual therapy, and is available at a fraction of the cost.


There have been dozens of independent research papers published in high-quality peer-reviewed journals on the effectiveness of Stress Control. To find out more please see the Stress Control research blogs.


Build Resilience


Knowing you have the knowledge and skills to fight stress yourself builds resilience- a mental toughness. Stress Control will teach you how to cope with the hard times, no matter what life throws at you.

Become your own Therapist


People often relapse back into stress when they stop seeing their therapist. However, with Stress Control results are maintained (and even enhanced). This is because you take the therapist with you- because you become your own therapist.



We understand life can be demanding and we appreciate the need for flexibility. Stress Control offers 24/7 access for 12 months, allowing you to watch video sessions, complete interactive tasks, and practice skills at times that suit you.

Our Partners

Stress Control is used extensively in the NHS (UK) and HSE (ROI), in third sector organisations and large private companies across the world. 

HSE Logo
NHS Logo
Irish Rail Logo

Delivery Map

Stress Control in additional settings

Dedicated versions of Stress Control are available for use in occupational health, health boards, schools and universities and CAMHS. 


If you have a query regarding running Stress Control in your organisation please get in touch via the contact form. 

Please note: our inbox is not monitored by therapists. We are unable to respond if your message is regarding mental health and cannot provide personalised support. Please contact your GP or the Samaritans on 116 123 (UK and Ireland) if you are suicidal or in need of immediate support.